Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Treatment Plan Change

Tuesday November 22

For any of you who know me, change is a constant in my life. Kelly and I went into see a second doctor today. We have felt that we needed a second opinion, not that we didn’t like the other doctor just to make sure that we are all on the same page.

He works out of the IHC hospital in Salt Lake. We have decided that we should go with this doctor for a couple of reasons. He is a little more aggressive, he is a sarcoma expert, and at the present time has a study going that I can participating in where I will be momentum closer and for a little longer period of time. With this our treatment plan changed.

I will begin a serious of chemo treatments on December 5. We choose this date so that I will feel better for Amanda and Ethan’s wedding and can participate in most of the activities. It is a 21 day cycle and I will receive chemo on days 1, 2, 3, 8, and 15 and then start the next cycle on Day 1. After the second cycle they will evaluate where I am going and we change course or keep on. There will be 6 cycles. The plan is to control the cancer especially in my lungs and see if they can help to shrink some of the tumors. Both Kelly and I feel very good about this treatment plan and felt like we were directed to this doctor since we didn’t know of him. The Lord is in control and we are grateful for that.

I have been learning a lot of about nutrition and appreciate those who have shared with me there knowledge. Our bodies are amazing things and the Creator of them all knows what is best for each of us.

Now have the very best Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for all of you, for you love prayers, fasting, and kindness. There could not be many people who are as blessed as I am. I wish that I can express that to all of you. The Lord lives, He loves each of us and He is aware of struggles, pains, and heartache. I am grateful for the Atonement for I do not bear this burden alone. He understands in ways that I can not explain. I love you all. Enjoy the heck out of your loved ones and families and save a drumstick for me.



Unknown said...

Hope you had a great day. Thanks for being such a sweetheart! You're always in our prayers.
Love Jer, Liz & girls

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