Friday, November 25, 2011


"In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil,

and you must never forget that.

When disappointment and discouragement strike

--and they will--

you remember and never forget

that if our eyes could be opened we would see

horses and chariots of fire

as far as the eye can see

riding at reckless speed

to come to our protection

(see 2 Kgs. 6:16-17).

They will always be there,

these armies of heaven,

in defense of Abraham's seed."

-Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

What a great day today was!! The weather was beautiful and I was surrounded by many of those I love. The grandchildren added such life and I loved watching them and their parents interact with each other. Uncle John’s house was so fun and I loved everything that we had even the Brussels sprouts!! Grandma and Grandpa were there and it was just so relaxing.

Aunt Leslie made all 18 gingerbread houses for us this year, so all of the children and grandchildren were able to carry on in that tradition. The kids loved every second and I wish you could see how creative their houses were. Isaac still doesn’t understand why we make these houses and then not eat the candy that is on the houses. Doesn’t make sense to waste all of that candy!

I was grateful to find this quote and know that we are being watched on both sides of the veil. I know that they are there for us. I am grateful for those who have gone before me who are leading me strength and hope. Aren’t we just the most blessed people of all!! Thanks for being such great strength to me and for loving each other.



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